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Barefoot: Escape on the Underground Railroad

Product Number: H35192
In the dark of the night a Barefoot, an escaped slave, flees for his life. With his pursuers close behind and the moon shrouded in clouds, Barefoot must rely on the wisdom of the wild animals of the forest and swamp to guide him to the safety of the underground railroad. Innovative perspective and use of light and a spare text result in an unforgettable portrayal of one slave's journey to freedom. Kindergarten - Grade 4. Paperback

In the dark of the night a Barefoot, an escaped slave, flees for his life. With his pursuers close behind and the moon shrouded in clouds, Barefoot must rely on the wisdom of the wild animals of the forest and swamp to guide him to the safety of the underground railroad. Innovative perspective and use of light and a spare text result in an unforgettable portrayal of one slave's journey to freedom. Kindergarten - Grade 4. Paperback

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