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Defeat Disobedience

Product Number: P69772

Aanya, Sarah, and Ezekiel experience the natural consequences of disobeying their parents, teachers and coaches. On the first day of school Aanya almost misses out on the classroom activity when she decides to change her attitude and focus on helping others. Sarah’s second grade teacher intrigues the class in learning more about science and nature. She learns the importance of obeying right away. Ezekiel’s dreams of becoming a basketball star begin to take shape after learning how to follow instructions from his coach and practice teamwork. This book features a range of children, and diversity is shown in positive ways with characters that span various cultures, ethnicities, family situations, physical challenges and more. Readers of all backgrounds will see themselves in these pages while learning to value the diversity within their own community and being exposed to differences from around the world. PreK-5. Paperback.

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