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Complete ScienceSmart: Grade 2 (Enriched Edition)

Product Number: P93987

Complete ScienceSmart Enriched  is a workbook series that covers all four strands of the Science curriculum: Life Systems, Structures and Mechanisms, Matter and Energy, and Earth and Space Systems.  The engaging activities and hands-on experiment sections in each book help students master the basic concepts of science and technology.  A handy “Little Science Book” is included in this enriched edition to let students have a quick review of the basic science concepts learned.  In addition, the QR codes provide quick and easy links to encourage students to further explore science concepts and enrich their learning experience.  Along with the interesting information in “Scientists at Work”, “Cool Science Facts”, and “Trivia Questions”, Complete ScienceSmart is sure to help stimulate students’ interest in learning science. Grade 2. Paperback. 


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